Sunday, November 20, 2011

Funny things the kids say

I have read others' blogs and enjoyed them, and I use facebook and take lots of pictures, but I haven't done much in the way of journals the past few years. I decided to have a private blog where I can write things about my cute kids and our lives.

It's Sunday afternoon, August 8. Kevin is drumming on his new Roland electric drum set. Emily is watching Hannah Montana in the room next to me. James is upstairs playing in his room.

Over the years the kids have said some funny things. Here is a collection of some of them:
"Secrets of the Child" (about 2 years old)
"Baby in the World" (a song: there was a baby in the world. He used to cry. And you would give him his bottle, to feel him better.)
"Felicious" (Her word for her toy dishes)
"Fff Fff" (she would do this when she saw a dog, trying to bark like one)
"Walt Disney Disney, Princess of the Joy" (a song)
Stories she wrote in kindergarten:
I lic to rid mi bic (I like to ride my bike) or I lik to rid mi elefat (I like to ride my elephant)
Funny names for stuffed animals:
Monel the rubber duck
Ossia the lamb
Alshista the silk scarf
Adeezja Azeeza, the imaginary grandma of Sally the baby doll
Enine the dollhouse baby
Inksaw the ghost

"I had it but suddenly I barely just loosed it." (referring to a golf ball he found at the Homestead)
"I need a clunger" (referring to needing a plunger for the toilet) (4 years)
"Do pirates resist?" (resist is in place of exist) (4 years)
"My room is a bisaster" (disaster) (3 years)
"Dad, where does the Disneyland come from?" (about 2 1/2)
"Quaking asper" (referring to Quaking Aspen trees) (4 years)
"Hey look, is this a sand trap? Nope, didn't trap me!" (referring to a sand trap at a golf course)

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