Our kids have said some pretty funny things over the years.
At Disneyworld in Florida, after riding Dinosaur, James screamed/cried "I did not have fun!" (Age 4)
Also there, while seeing the Hall of Presidents, James asked "Did President Lincoln come back alive?" (Age 4)
While listening to an instrumental piece by Duran Duran while we were in the car, toward the end of it, James asked "Is this guy every gonna start singing, or what?" (Age 5)
"Where does the Disneyland come from Dad? (Age 2)
"Do pirates resist?" (Exist) (Age 3)
"This room is a ba-saster (disaster)" (Age 3)
"I make apple juice" or "it's working!" while being potty trained
"Light-ming" (Lightning)
"Secrets of the Child." (Age 2)
"Felicious (dishes) (Age 1)
"Arbitration" (age 1.5)
"Fff--ffff" (Woof, when she saw a dog) (Age 1.5)
"Dovel up Supterstar" (Double as a Super Star, Hanna Montana song), (Age 4)
Song: "There was a baby int eh world. He used to cry, and you would give him a bottle to feel him better." (Age 3)
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